Saturday, August 25, 2018


We took the shuttle into town and just puttered around there. We visited the old Russian Orthodox church, visited some shops and galleries and took some photos all in all a  very satisfactory day. It was marred a bit because I had forgotten to reset my camera after taking photos of our last towel creation. Whoever tends our room in the evening leaves a towel sculpture. We’ve gotten a seal and an elephant and a rabbit and others. The past few I’ve photographed and to get the white of the towel I need to dial in some positive exposure offset. Last evening I neglected to put it back and didn't notice until I’d taken 10 photos or so. Some I retook and some others I rescued in Photoshop but I did lose three or so completely.


Folded towel elephant


Sitka harbor – My favorite photo of the day.


Downtown Sitka – Many of these shops are normal stores.


Interior – Russian Orthodox Church


We finally saw a whale from our veranda


1 comment:

Amy said...

That shot of Sitka harbor would make a fantastic oil or watercolor painting, the color balance is fab!