Monday, July 2, 2012

Scenic England trip–Day - 2

A bit about my numbering. This is our first day on the tour bus which will ferry us about England but according to the tour company it is the third day of the tour as they count door to door. Day two is consistent with my file numbering convention so if it seems illogical it’s all my doing…  Smile

Our first stop today was Windsor town and Windsor castle. We didn’t get to enter the castle but we walked through the town and got photos of the castle at least.


Windsor Castle

From Windsor we went to the plains of Salisbury where we stopped, of course, at Stonehenge. Stonehenge seemed to want a somewhat moody treatment.


We also visited the Salisbury Cathedral. Salisbury has the tallest spire of any church in England. The taller the spire the closer to God and the better chance of getting to heaven.



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