Yesterday we viewed an astonishing collection of contemporary Western Art. This was assembled by Eddie Basha of the Basha foods company in Phoenix and is exhibited at their corporate headquarters. There are over 3000 pieces in the collection which includes paintings, sculpture, Indian art of many types and cowboy art. As photography is allowed I came away with some images. These few images hopefully will give a sense of the breadth of the collection.
No violence here. The indians and cowboys largely aren’t shooting at each other but going about their day to day lives.
Hopi and Navaho Kasina dolls.
Hopi and Navaho Kasina dolls
Very impressive, Tom! Quite beautiful, too. I'm so glad to know of a large collection that has no cowboy-indian violence. What a breath of fresh air that must have been. Your photos are really excellent! Thanks for sharing these.
Really nice that this museum is "photo-friendly". Only the very best collections are secure enough in their self-image to be so open.
You did a fine job with your photos, nice work.
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